The star-studded film inside the mind of actors Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff, ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,’ was screened in cinemas on Thursday. On the other hand, medium earnings on the first day of sales were lower than it was anticipated. As per the dominating player in the business- studies, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan grossed a total of Rs 15.5 crore net in Indian languages. It comes as the second-highest opener of the year, behind Hrithik Roshan’s Fighter, having raked in Rs 24.6 crore on the first day. However, in the same year, it does not have the mighty clout that the box office hits have been bringing to the tables. Jawan, the year’s highest net-opener, collected a whopping Rs 75crore.
Whereas Bade Miyan Chote Miyan surpassed the opening day ROI of Shaitaan (86.0 m.) and Crew (64.23 m.), it was still not able to accomplish the feats of last year. The movie was floating on a sea of box office competition, as Ajay Devgn’s Maidaan, which had a dull opening day of Rs 7.1 crore, was also vying for the audience’s attention.
Being directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan becomes a massively entertaining film featuring a big cast among temptees like Prithviraj Sukumaran, Sonakshi Sinha, Manushi Chillar, and Alaya F. The film was made with a substantial budget of more than Rs 300 crore, but it, unfortunately, got mixed reviews from critic
Whilst both Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff’s box office success is vital, the result of this new movie follows the recent failures of their films. While Tiger’s past films haven’t mattered a lot, unfortunately, Akshay Kumar too is lately getting a similar deal, where despite being in films, no one is leaving any kind of impact.