Recently, actress-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut took to her Instagram and celebrated the hardworking women of Himachal Pradesh. In an emotional tribute, she called out her fellow Himachali actresses-Preity Zinta, Yami Gautam, and Pratibha Ranta-for their strength and perseverance.
Kangana shared a picture with her fellow actresses and expressed, “When I go to Himachal and see our women, equally or better looking than us, working tirelessly in the fields-no Instagram, no reels, raising cattle and making ends meet-I feel they can definitely do with some hype.” She also used hashtags like #himachaligenes and #himachaliwomen to pride in their hard work.
Besides honouring the women of her area, Kangana celebrated Christmas at her home in Himachal and shared pictures of herself preparing for the festival. Treating herself to a plate of ‘Gajar Ka Halwa’, Kangana shared a cozy photo of herself having the sweet dish as she wished her followers Merry Christmas and enquired about the celebrations.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kangana will have her much-awaited movie, Emergency, released. Starring Kangana in a pivotal role, the film is a political drama directed, written and co-produced by Kangana. Based on the 21 months of Emergency in India starting from 1975 till 1977, it was earlier scheduled to release on September 6. The postponement happened due to pending clearance from the CBFC.
Kangana essays the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, together with an ensemble cast of Anupam Kher, Milind Soman, Mahima Chaudhry, and Shreyas Talpade. Of these, Shreyas plays Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Anupam Kher enacts Jayaprakash Narayan. The movie will now release on January 17, promising to dig deep into one of the most crucial moments in independent India’s history.