
The most recent rule, which goes into effect on Monday, is timely payment to MSMEs.

A new provision ensures timely payments reach MSMEs, recognizing cash flow challenges. When intermediaries uphold obligations, livelihoods are protected.

Compliance strengthens trust between enterprises. Stability allows MSMEs to invest in growth and job creation, benefiting local communities.

As economies reopen, this lends certainty. Confident MSMEs can contribute fully, maximizing potential. Together, public and private progress.

Such cooperation demonstrates how shared responsibilities sustain grassroots prosperity. May ongoing efforts strengthen fairness for all.

With care and understanding of the pressures each faces, cooperation yields wins on every side. As small efforts ripple widely, societies flourish.

Applauding leaders enabling enterprise – and enterprise enabling empowerment. United, compassion overcomes adversity.


HD News Desk

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