The social media post said that hundreds of Telegram pages were posing to sell NEET PG papers and posted screenshots of chats. Read details below.
A social media post dated August 7 has put the general public and the candidates in full suspense barely four days before the National Eligibility and Entrance Test, or NEET PG 2024, as it alleged a leakage of the question paper of the entrance examination.
Thus far, there is no confirmation of any paper leak; however, the post made on X (formerly Twitter) by a user with the name Dr. Dhruv Chauhan has rung the bell; he wrote that hundreds of Telegram pages are selling NEET PG papers.
Dr. Chauhan, who often posts on his Facebook page, wrote in a post that “Hundreds of Telegram pages claiming to sell NEET PG papers; these frauds should be on radar of the cybercrime and intelligence bureau because they might or might not have the papers that need to be investigated. Received these SS from some followers”.
The user also posted different threads of group chats and also different people discussing how they fix a certain price to ‘book slots’. On the above-given screenshot, the member posed an active conversation on a group referred to as ‘NEET-PG LEAKED MATERIALS’, comprising more than 20,600 subscribers.