The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has released its highly anticipated 2024 Yearbook, shedding light on the global landscape of armaments, disarmament, and international security. The report focuses on the nuclear capabilities of major powers, including India, Pakistan, and China.
According to the data, as of January 2024, India’s total nuclear inventory stands at 172 warheads, an increase from 164 in the previous year. This reflects New Delhi’s efforts to modernize and expand its nuclear deterrent against regional rivals.
Meanwhile, Pakistan maintains a consistent arsenal of 170 warheads, focusing on countering India’s capabilities.
China’s nuclear might has seen a significant expansion, with its total inventory increasing from 410 in 2023 to 500 in 2024, including 24 deployed and 476 stored warheads. “China is expanding its nuclear arsenal faster than any other country,” noted SIPRI’s Hans M. Kristensen.
Globally, Russia and the United States dominate the nuclear landscape, together possessing almost 90% of all nuclear weapons. Russia’s total inventory stands at 5,580 warheads, while the US has 5,044 warheads.
The SIPRI Yearbook provides a comprehensive snapshot of the world’s nuclear capabilities, underscoring the delicate balance of power and the ongoing efforts by major powers to modernize and maintain their nuclear deterrents.