The encounter started on Saturday evening and has claimed four Naxals and a policeman’s life. The operation involves DRG and STF teams from four districts. Four Naxals and a police constable have been killed in the ongoing encounter between Naxalites and security forces, and their bodies have been recovered. On the spot, a weapons cache was seized that included an AK-47, an SLR, and other automatic weapons.
Dantewada DRG Head Constable Sannu Karam was killed in action during the operation that began on Saturday. The encounter, however, remains active, with DRG and Special Task Force (STF) teams from four districts participating, according to IG Bastar P. Sundarraj.
The operation against the Naxals was carried out in the South Abujmarh forest area at the Narayanpur-Dantewada district border of Chhattisgarh, the IG said. The STF led it with DRG teams from Narayanpur, Dantewada, Jagdalpur, and Kondagaon districts.
The search operation is still ongoing in the area, said a senior police official. Long considered a Maoist bastion until recently, security forces have neutralised many Naxalites in Abujhmaad over the past few months.