In a tragic incident, eight security personnel and a driver were killed in an IED blast triggered by Maoists in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district. The incident happened at 2:15 PM today when the team was returning from an operation in the Bastar region, specifically near Kutru, when their Scorpio SUV was struck by the blast.
Earlier in the day, security forces engaged with Maoists in the Abujhmad area, where five rebels including two women died. The recoveries of automatic guns were huge like AK-47 and SLRs. These jawans had gone for the above operation and returned when they were ambushed by the rebels.
All eight who died were from the DRG, a special police force created to take on Maoism in Chhattisgarh. Accounts from eyewitnesses spoke of a huge crater at the site of the blast, indicating the intensity of the explosion.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah said the sacrifice of the jawans who laid down their lives would not go in vain. “Deeply anguished by the killing of DRG soldiers by an IED blast in Bijapur. My heartfelt condolences to the families of these brave martyrs,” he said. He vowed to eradicate Maoism in India before March 2026 and said their sacrifice would not be allowed to go waste in the fight against insurgency.
The attack comes as security forces have achieved significant gains in Maoist-stronghold areas, pushing the rebel factions to a corner. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai condemned the blast, describing it as “heinous” and “tragic.” He paid tribute to the fallen soldiers and assured that investigations were underway. “The government is fully committed to eradicating Naxalism,” he said, reflecting on the bigger goal set by Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
Inspector General of Police for Bastar, Sundarraj Pattilingam, said the IED explosion targeted the returning jawans to the camp after the operation. “We had been conducting operations in the area for the past few days, in which five Maoists and one security personnel were killed. The blast occurred as they were returning,” he said, promising more details after a proper examination of the site.
Sources said the force of the explosion was such that a portion of the Scorpio’s bonnet was seen dangling from a nearby tree. According to sources, the Maoists had used a “foxhole” technique for the blast. A “foxhole” technique is dug hidden holes that are filled with stones and hence, not traceable in anti-mine operations. In such cases, explosives can be placed there with disastrous results, it said.
There are also concerns on the adherence to Standard Operating Procedures since DRG personnel usually travel either on foot or motorcycles, hence questions on what could have led to this sad incident.