India News

Days before the second round of voting, three explosions destroy a bridge in Manipur.

Greetings, my friends! I come to you today with a story so big that it will keep you nailed to your seat. Imagine it happening in a land called Manipur, a place where peace and quiet normally reign, yet a noisily spooky story of unpeace is now dominating this good, calm land.

Striking back in a way that has unsettled minds across the whole region, three whistling explosions destroyed beyond repair a bridge—a vital infrastructure that is carrying traffic and life itself from one place to another. It is this act of vandalism that happens literally one week before the second round of elections that contrasts with the fact that the people express their will for the next government during the elections, which counts at the capital’s heart.

Imagine, if you will, the scene that unfolded: a bridge, evidence of resilience, and human mind celebration. Today is covered by the wounds of the frequent hits from this terrorist act. Violators feel confident enough to oust the pillars by means of which freedom as a concept is known and enforced, thus weakening democracy itself.

Nevertheless, these unfortunate events have not thwarted the people from keeping on fighting all the hard knocks that life has to offer. These people are well aware that the real grandeur of a nation does not come from the unyielding power of its infrastructure but rather from the unbreakable spirit of its citizens, who value the freedoms of the country, justice, and every person having their rights ensured.

After the echoes of gunshots have disappeared, a cry that does not take the nation to unity, resilience, and commitment that leads the country to the darkest of moments is raised—a clarion call to the values the country stood for during bad times. However, the real resilience of a nation is tested in such days of adversity, and its strength is based on how that nation responds. Consequently, a better nation emerges from such a test.

The Indian EXPRESS

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