The assault was further arrested after the story. The event at Gujarat University made the issue more intense. Another three were arrested, reducing the number of detained suspects to five.
The most recent arrests occurred right after the crime reduction had captured two people in a single day. It was a huge blow for the officials, who then tried their best to probe into the shocking night-time event in which two individuals were injured.
Became extremely hot when the crowd encountered prayers offered near the hostel block, seeking the prayers offered at the mosque. At this point, anarchy ruled, and the violent confrontations had begun, with every window glass smashed and every student room vandalized.
Serving vice officers reached there, including the Commissioner of the Police. At the University, where about 300 students from over half the world study, officials are planning to make their safety and security the top priority. At the same time, senior members of the government have also spoken in line with similar demands from the agitated public, pushing for law-enforcement officials to take tough actions against offenders.
Telescreens have also shown how heartbreaking it feels to the people who have witnessed that tragedy or seen the upsetting scenes of that accident. It has exacerbated the anger. These 9 investigating teams, however, seem to work all night on the detailed process of acquiring the names of all involved, while the worst part, I believe, might be that we have no idea of the real motives behind targeting the religious freedom of resident foreigners.
The campus comprises students from different backgrounds; thus, fostering cross-cultural understanding is necessary. The justice quest connected to this case will be viewed closely and might be a test of the composite Gujerat ethos.