Tamil Nadu assembly’s winter session began on a stormy note as Governor RN Ravi walked out following an alleged disrespect to the National Anthem. Chief Minister MK Stalin and DMK leaders condemned Ravi’s action, stating this had become a habit with the Governor.
The winter session of the Tamil Nadu assembly opened high on drama yesterday with Governor RN Ravi making a walkout without delivering a customary address, branding Chief Minister MK Stalin as brazenly disrespecting the national anthem. The Chief Minister retorted that the governor was childish in his conduct and a repeat offender of violating conventions of the assemblies.
The governor made a no-oration in the first session of TN’s state legislative assembly, in which he stated serious breaches that come under the definition of the National Anthem.
So, as the Raj Bhawan official communicated, when he reached the Legislative Assembly, he performed the only state anthem, ‘Tamil Thai Vazhthu,’ and, of course, there was no National Anthem there.
Raj Bhavan said that in “deep anguish”, Governor Ravi left the House on such “brazen disrespect to Constitution and National Anthem”.
The statement from Raj Bhavan put up a post on its official X handle that said, “Today, on the arrival of the Governor to the House, only ‘Tamil Tai Vazhthu’ was sung. The Governor respectfully reminded the House of its constitutional duty.
He fervently appealed to the Chief Minister, the House Leader and the honourable Speaker to sing the National Anthem. However, they cussedly refused. It is a matter of grave concern. Not to be a party to such brazen disrespect to the Constitution and the National Anthem, the Governor, in deep anguish, left the House.