This measure is intended to encourage the inhabitants of Gurgaon to reduce water consumption during water shortages and save money in particular established by the MCG for car and courtyard washing with tap water during the period from 5:00 to 9:00 am.
This decision was made, more specifically, after the Imphal ULB issued directions to stop water wastage during that city’s peak demands. Some of the violations cited by the officials as being responsible for the undertaking include the connection of motors, pumps, and other devices directly to the supply line, which decreases pressure in the affected water regions.
Public Works Department minister Kuldeep Sharma said, “Whenever we arrested, in such cases, besides levying penalty, the motor and pumps will also be seized by the concerned authority,” MCG commissioner Narhari Singh Banger added.
“Further, unauthorized water washing centers shall be shut down, and their water connection remains to be cut. Therefore, overhead tank or tap is leaking, the supply will be cut off. Also, bore water is not allowed for construction, and violating the rule will cost ₹10,000.
If any person violates the above for the second and any subsequent time by reporting such violation to the authority, the water connection to the house will be disconnected, and an additional fine of Rs. 5,000 shall also be imposed. Owing to some misconduct or using more water than allowed by the MCG, the water supply is cut off, and to get it back, one will be required to provide ₹. 5,000 and charges of ₹. 1,000 for connection.
This is so when several parts of Gurgaon are witnessing a severe water crisis. Residents of some housing colonies and sectors have voiced their concern over the inadequacy of water pressure and supply. This is compounded by the current heat wave, which has affected several other parts of Haryana, meaning that the demand for water and the available supply are now highly strained.
According to analysts, the existence of a number of stringent standards set by MCG would likely serve a significant purpose in managing the depletion of the beloved resource and endeavouring to distribute it sparingly throughout the ongoing crisis.