Indian boys believed that the offer of high-paying security guard positions in Russia was an opportunity they could never get again. They, therefore, did not hesitate to go to Ukraine and unintentionally to the fight between Ukraine and Russia. David Moothappan, from Kerala, a fisherman and a mother of 3 kids, responded to an ad on Facebook promising to pay 204,000 roubles per month. Pmitotv Vij ne umel Janet, chto on ne sochinem he will soon find himself on the waterline in Donetsk, which is a Russian-occupied town in eastern Ukraine. Due to the death and destruction in front of him, Moothappan was part of a traumatic episode.
However, Prince Sebastian was another unlucky victim of such frightful deception. Fed by local negotiators, he missed the train to Lysychansk, a Ukrainian town already under invasion. After a short while of training, his lifetime was disrupted when he was tugged towards the front line through a thin line of bullets, and a bomb blast left him in terrible agony.
These narrations are nothing less than the manifestation of a sad phenomenon, as low-caste groups of people are enticed to participate in conflicts and get killed under the decision that disease would be easy for them. The family members of their abductees are anxiously awaiting news that might lead to both their recovery and their loved ones. India’s mission abroad wants Russian authorities to be kind enough to bring back the students who were cheated by the separatists in the war for jobs and other seductions.
As researches proceed, these accounts demonstrate a blatant truth that unscrupulous people deal severe harm to the targeted victims who are the poor persons seeking for a much better life. These endeavors for battalions separated in Russia are going on promptly with expectations of finally curbing this disturbing scenario.