It was supposed to be a routine flight from Delhi to Mumbai, but one passenger’s risky behaviour turned it into anything but. According to officials, the trouble began when the suspicious smell of a beedi cigarette was detected coming from the plane’s restroom.
Concerned flight attendants launched an investigation and discovered a 42-year-old man hiding inside, blatantly smoking in violation of safety rules. He was immediately confronted, and the plane landed early so police could apprehend the foolish rule-breaker upon arrival in Mumbai.
This wasn’t the first close call either – just last August, another careless traveller was caught red-handed lighting up in the lavatory of an IndiGo flight from Dubai. He denied the allegations even after being handed evidence in the form of a used lighter and cigarette packet.
Luckily, the attentive crew sprang into action, from tracing the aromatic scent to interrogating passengers and searching for contraband. Their diligence no doubt prevented a dangerous situation from escalating.
Still, some refuse to heed warnings. In March, a woman was nabbed at Bengaluru airport for flicking ashes onto an earlier Kolkata-bound flight, endangering hundreds of lives with her reckless actions.
With smoking posing serious safety risks, especially in an enclosed plane, authorities vowed to continue cracking down on offenders to protect law-abiding flyers just wanting to reach their destinations safely. One hopes repeated run-ins will finally drill the message through even the densest travellers.