In a major breakthrough, Jaipur police have arrested Rajendra, alias ‘Joker,’ days after the arrest of notorious gangster ‘Madam Maya.’ Rajendra, already lodged in Bathinda jail in Punjab in connection with the murder case of Punjabi politician-singer Sidhu Moosewala, was brought out of the jail on production warrant.
Sources said Rajendra had planned to extort money from two Jaipur-based businessmen. He was accused of facilitating the recruitment of new members for the Bishnoi gang through ‘Madam Maya,’ whose real name is Seema Malhotra, while serving his sentence.
Arrested on Saturday, ‘Madam Maya’ is believed to be a pivotal figure in the operations of the Bishnoi gang. For the past two years, she has reportedly arranged legal support and logistics for the gang’s activities. According to Jaipur police, she maintained detailed records of the close associates of gang members incarcerated in various prisons and was in contact with operatives based abroad.
The police will jointly question both ‘Madam Maya’ and Rajendra to get more information about their activities and networks. The Bishnoi gang, infamous for its 700 shooters all over the country, is being investigated for several prominent murders, including those of Sidhu Moosewala and politician Baba Siddique. The gang is operated by Lawrence Bishnoi, presently imprisoned in Sabarmati jail in Gujarat.