Sadly, a teenage boy from Malappuram, Kerala district falls a casualty to the Nipah virus on Sunday, and the state becomes alert.
Kerala Health Minister Veena George said that the young patient had a massive cardiac arrest at 10:50 am in the hospital, even having efforts made by the health care team. Filled with vengeance, more infected cases were reported, and the infected boy died on Sunday due to cardiac arrest, George, while speaking to the local Malayalam media, said.
Unfortunately, this tragic development has occurred as the state government has acted to slow the virus’s spread. The Minister also said that 25 committees have been formed to detect those who were possibly infected by the Nipah virus and segregate them from the public. Officials are also watching the situation now that they have established 60 individuals within the high-risk enmity range.
The director of critical care medicine at Aster MIMS Hospital in Calicut, Dr. Anoop Kumar, has said that there is a minimum possibility of an outbreak currently. However, he stressed that patient supervision is critical in the succeeding 7-10 days.
The state government has woken from its slumber as 214 people received the boy’s contact as the primary contact of the deceased. Barrera, health institutions have created isolation wards to manage high-risk persons. Thus, the families of the affected patients are observed.
Nipah, a virus spread from fruit bats and animals such as pigs, has been known to cause lethal swollen brain fevers among people in the area in the past. As a Reuters probe showed last year, some areas of Kerala are among the world’s most vulnerable to Nipah infections.
The squashed dreams of the youthful life have come as a shock and a reason to remind the world to enhance its health structures and fund research to consign this dangerous virus to the dustbin. When the state government is continuously striving hard to check the outbreak, the people of Kerala condoles the death of the patient and wish speedy recovery of all other affected persons.