Arvind Kejriwal has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of running “Operation Lotus” in the New Delhi constituency. Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Sunday launched a scathing attack on AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal over the latter’s allegation that the BJP had been attempting to sabotage the voters’ list in the New Delhi constituency, saying the former Delhi chief minister has lost his mental equilibrium.
“I think when Arvind Kejriwal was in ‘state hospitality’, his ‘mental equilibrium’ got disturbed. What is the vision of Arvind Kejriwal – disruption? Arvind Kejriwal is left with very little time (in government),” he told ANI.
At a press conference today, Arvind Kejriwal accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of running “Operation Lotus” in the New Delhi constituency since December 15 to delete voters from the voters’ list.
“In my New Delhi assembly constituency, their (BJP) ‘Operation Lotus’ has been on since December 15. In these 15 days, they have applied for the deletion of 5,000 votes and the addition of 7,500 votes. Why is there a need to conduct elections if you are manipulating approximately 12 per cent of total voters in the assembly? A kind of ‘game’ is going on in the name of election,” he said.