In a gruesome incident that was and still serves as a major cause of concern, a school-going 8-year-old girl from Andhra Pradesh, particularly Nandyala district, was raped mercilessly before being killed. The accused are three children aged 12 and 13, all students of the same school as the young girl.
As the authorities reported, the girl went missing on Sunday; thus, her father went to the local police station to report a missing person. The girl was said to have gone to play at Muchumarri Park but was never seen again. A police search was initiated, and people in the area were interrogated; however, the whereabouts of the girl could not be established.
Breakthrough in the Case
The investigation process was even more terrible when a sniffer dog escorted the police to the three minor suspects. In interrogation, the boys, two of them being in Class 6 at the age of 12, the other being in Class 7 at the age of 13, confessed to having raped and killed the young girl.
The Horrific Details
The accused allegedly told the police that they had seen the girl playing in the park and started playing with her. They then proceeded to allegedly take the child to an area not easily accessible close to the Muchumarri dam, where they would take turns in raping the child. As much as they feared the girl’s reaction when she disclosed the act to her parents, the boys are reported to have killed her and dumped her body into a canal.
Ongoing Investigation
Mr. Jayshekhar, a sub-inspector of Muchumarri police station, also said the investigation was still in progress as the body of the victim has not yet been found. This has been characterized by the authorities as a missing person until the girl’s remains are retrieved from the scene.
This heinous crime has generated commotion among the inhabitants of the Nandyala region, and the police added that the offenders will undergo due process regardless of their age. It appears today’s event has automatically served as an eye-opener to society because it emphasizes the need to apply more stringent measures to safeguard the lives of children.