An unwitting science model by a Class 10 student in Nagpur brought the local police and the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad to his doorstep on Wednesday. The incident, however, ended as a nonevent as nothing suspicious was found.
The project, prepared with a friend, Devendra Nayak, a Class X student of Mahatma Gandhi School, consisted of electronic gadgets and ornaments kept in a box. In his frantic rush to get to school on time, Nayak forgot to inform his parents about the project and left it at home.
The box drew suspicion in his mother’s mind, who immediately informed her husband, Dhaniram Nayak, a local driver. Suspecting the box contained some hazardous materials, Dhaniram immediately shifted the box to an open area and called the police. The attraction of police drew the attention of neighbors.
Acting swiftly, police and BDDS reached the spot; Deputy Commissioner of Police Lohit Matani also reached the spot. They properly examined the box in the nearby forest using a bomb detector and finally confirmed there was no explosive material inside. The community exhaled a sigh of relief when everything ended without any violence.