A gruesome tragedy has left a village in Prayagraj reeling in shock and heartbreak.
In a horrific act of violence, a woman attacked her two young nephews with a wooden plank, beating them to death. Details that have emerged chill to the bone.
Three-year-old Abhi and six-year-old Lucky were fast asleep in their home Tuesday night, likely dreaming of innocent joys, unaware of the terror about to unfold.
Their aunt Pooja, who the family say had been disturbed of late, unexpectedly flew into a rage and launched the brutal assault. By the time the dust settled, the boys lay lifeless in pools of blood.
The finger of blame pointed squarely at Pooja, but more questions linger. What demons drove her to commit such savagery against those she had known since birth? Had behavioural changes gone unnoticed for too long?
Since fleeing the crime scene, the accused remains at large even as the bereaved grapple with their sudden, wretched loss. Two innocent souls snatched in their prime for reasons yet unknown.
As the empty community mourns its young ones in sorrow, the authorities work to establish why this heinous act occurred – and hope to find Pooja to face the consequences of her actions.