Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has called for free thinkers to take over the education system of India, stating that BJP and its affiliate RSS have diluted the education system. Delivering a speech at an event in Dallas, Texas, he said that the education system has been politicized and ideologized, with many of them appointed by the RSS.
Gandhi underlined the question of the manufacturing sector’s ability to reduce unemployment and compete with China for a production base. He pointed out that, indeed, India has plenty of skills, but it is crucial to synchronize the flow of production plans and augment vocational training to overcome a mismatch between a business organization’s requirements and the training it receives.
Addressing the media after being formally elected to the Lok Sabha, Gandhi said that his position is not merely as an ‘opposition’ but ‘opposition with a difference’; the reported aim includes teaching values such as love, respect, and, not least, humility to the Indian political sphere. He demanded multiculturalism, insisting that the countenance of different cultures and languages should be given; he said that demeaning regional languages was demeaning their histories.
Glamping at the national elections expected in 2024, he said that the Indian populace would not endorse mechanisms that undermine the Constitution and regional integrity while lauding the Indian communities living in the U. S. for the ethic of love and modesty.