One of the most sensational cases is the Supreme Court’s stay of a Delhi High Court judgment, which allowed divorce to celebrity chef Kunal Kapur on the grounds of cruelty by his wife, who was recently in the news for Paying to get a divorce.
The apex court has directed the issue of a notice to Kapur in the case and has also referred it to the Supreme Court Mediation Centre to examine if the dispute can be settled.
It is crucial to mention that the couple was married in April 2008 and has a 12-year-old son; however, they have been involved in a legal dispute.
Although Kapur obtained a divorce in April last from the Delhi High Court on the grounds of cruelty, stating that his wife’s conduct towards him was “devoid of dignity and empathy,” the Supreme Court’s intervention ushered a new turn to the case at large.
Kapur was seen as a judge on ‘MasterChef India.’ This man complained that his wife used to disrepute his parents incessantly humiliate him. The chef also accused his wife of using her police power to report him frequently and threaten to expose him.
During a 2016 shoot of MasterChef India, Kapur said during his plea that his wife came to the studio with their son and misbehaved. However, Kapur’s wife refuted these claims and sued him for perjury, hoping to get a divorce. She also stated her unwillingness to divorce and asserted that she betrayed her career for her husband and family.
In another case, the Delhi High Court, in its judgment, has said that leveling “reckless, defamatory, humiliating and unsubstantiated allegations against a spouse in public” was cruelty and constitutes grounds for Divorce.
Thus, with the Supreme Court’s active interference, it can be an open question whether the spouses would agree to resolve the dispute through mediation or continue the divorce process.