In response to the UGC-NET paper leak controversy, the messaging platform namely Telegram, has also acted swiftly in joining the bandwagon and blocking all channels or groups involved in disseminating the exam content.
From the Telegram interaction, the company and its representatives admitted to appreciate the government authorities’ efforts to investigate the matter and further confirmed their cooperation.
They added that all channels used in disseminating unauthorized content regarding the papers have been closed since the company is subject to the law of the land and is actively cooperating with government authorities investigating the probe.
The facility comes at the backdrop of rumors that leakage of the UGC-NET question paper through the application popularly known as Telegram precipitated the cancellation of a competitive examination. As we all know, the National Testing Agency (NTA) conducted the exam for all university admissions in India on June 18, 2020.
But the following day, UGC received inputs from the National Cyber Crime Threat Analytics Unit of the I4C. The question paper was leaked and reportedly circulated in the messages and darknet.
As a result, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed an FIR for a leaked paper in UGC-NET amidst a reference from the Union Education Ministry. The government has affirmed that the examination will be new, and everyone will be informed separately.