Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the Ministry for Electronics and IT general secretary, said after tweeting that the advice is only about the “significant platforms,” not the new companies. He added that AI System Safety Regulation is intended to stop unwanted AI applications yet to be tested for safety.
The government had instructed organizations to deploy AI models that could not be ascertained to have been right into the use of Indians. Nevertheless, it consequently brought up issues of prosecutorial monitoring within the tech ecosystem.
Having expanded, Chandrasekhar said that the act had a protective function and the platforms against such models in court were protected. Under this process, AI systems will be appropriately labeled, indicating if they have been sufficiently tested for reliability.
Nonetheless, questions still linger. The proposals, however, do not specify the scope, i.e., if any or all “intermediaries and platforms” are out of bounds. It has not yet been clearly defined if tools such as ChatGPT are part of its Presidential Decree or whether the parent companies need to comply with their subsidiaries.
Owing to the unclear legal rules for intermediary accountability concerning AI outputs, regulatory bodies wish to ensure the responsibility of major AI producers. Yet, distinguishing SMEs from corporations is currently an issue that requires revenue or user thresholds as solutions.
Finally, considering the trends of transformative AI, innovation, concern, and public interest ratio will be key for proportional regulation that stimulates the development of industries. The two sides are seeking more certainty with time due to more cooperation.