What could be a mere obscene incident that tragically unfolded in the Amrit Nagar area of Mumbra, about 30 kilometers away from Mumbai, killed a young girl after a falling dog hit her.
The accident took place on Tuesday around 2. 30 PM SST when the three-year-old girl was out walking with her mother. The girl was enjoying his afternoon walk as a golden retriever was thrown off the fifth story of a nearby building straight onto him.
It was a fall that rendered the girl unconscious, and their sad mother carried her to a nearby hospital. Sadly, the young girl was writing her treatment, and she died due to complications from her injuries.
The unfortunate event was a camera when, and thus, there is shocking video footage of the sad occurrence. As seen in the video, the dog also got injured in the fall but quickly gained its feet and seemed quite bewildered.
Law enforcement officials are still trying to determine the cause of the death of the canine; how the poor animal fell from such a great distance is unknown to date. Another direction is the circumstance where the cause of an injury is the dog being shoved or thrown by someone with cruelty in mind; this aspect is still under investigation.
This sad event has shaken the community and made families and friends suffer the loss of a young woman who lost her life for no reason. The authorities have limited the media from interfering while they try to establish the truth and offer justice to family members.