This viral video is about two girls almost swallowed by high tide. Two girls having fun keeping their feet in the water usually end in a harrowing incident when the high tide smashes onto the shores, pulling them out to the sea.
The next 15 or so to 20 seconds are no less than a horrific experience as the girls are hanging on to each other, battling the waves, being hurled onto the steps on the shore, and then pulled even farther into the water. Several shocked onlookers can be seen gesturing to signal the girls to stay safe. With their movements apparently futile, two men courageously walked to the water’s edge and pulled the girls to safety.
The video has since been viewed more than 600,000 times and created a vortex of comments debating why the girls had no survival skills. “Where are your survival skills?” one commented. “It’s almost like they laid down and gave up.”
Another observed that only the two girls were caught in the tide and remarked, “Natural selection is a real thing.” Comments continued to flow: “They held each other like they were in Dante’s Inferno heading for some horrible end.” One concerned viewer remarked, “Sad to see!! We pay for lifeguards for a reason, so that keeps people safe!! Who does not know how strong the ocean is?! I hope all is well!!!!
Criticism echoed with remarks: “Not a single survival skill,” and “Start moving. God! People like this have no survival instincts.” According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 236,000 people die from drowning every year worldwide; thus, there is great awareness of water safety.