In a manifestation of rising anxieties between India and Germany, the Head of the Mission in Germany was summoned by the Ministry of External Affairs yesterday over an insensitive remark posted to the public by their diplomat.
The spark was a social media post made by Andreas Hoess, Germany’s Deputy Ambassador in Delhi, who was asking about the recent short-term detention of Arvind Kejriwal in Punjab.
Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi Board, was detained for approximately an hour last week by Punjab Police during a sit-in against the power cuts. Moreover, O’Rourke’s tweet claiming that it was the undermining of democratic principles and political reasons for the practice was also criticized.
His statements had not gone well with Indian property, which believes these questions are its internal issue. The German envoy was duly informed that the MEA was strongly displeased about what they perceived as external interference in the country’s domestic affairs.
However, eminent Indian political parties have spoken in favour of resolving diplomatic problems. On the one side, the AAP lauded the international focus on Delhi polls, which strengthened his party’s profile, but on the other hand, the BJP accused the foreign diplomats of exceeding the line.
This was the first time that a foreign intervention in the Indian elections had been acknowledged, and the politician was also caught red-handed by the authorities who provided outside help. Behind the fizzling news, there might still be an active volcano liable to burst out in the future.