The police reported that a labourer passed away and three others were hurt when a pile of dirt collapsed on them at a construction site in the South City 1 region on Tuesday. All four labourers belonged to the same family. The injured have received medical care at a hospital, the police stated.
The police further stated that eleven labourers, comprising Lala Ram, also known as Lalu, his wife Nirmala, also known as Lali, and two additional family associates, Monika and Sonia, had been engaged in digging work at the construction site when the mound of mud came down on them around 3 pm.
Subsequently, the four labourers were extracted after a rescue operation lasting one hour. They were transported to a hospital where Monika was declared no longer living. The other three remain undergoing treatment and are described as being out of peril, according to the police. The injured are receiving medical attention while the deceased is mourned.
“We have not received any complaint but are investigating the matter. The woman’s body has been kept at a mortuary for post-mortem examination,” said Inspector Manoj Verma, Station House Officer, Sector 40 Police Station.