The latest Canadian research shows that one week of disconnecting from social media can improve a positive body image rating. Young women, in general, encounter pressure to incorporate and possibly even endorse the wrong yet fake and unnatural beauty standards presented online.
The media channels such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok that youngsters massively use make it difficult to retreat them from the heavily prevalent beauty standards. Currently, streaming music channels will play a waist-down, also known as a slim waist, round buttocks, and skinny legs.
Thigh-gap fanatics were the previous ones, but officials seldom realize the danger it might pose. Google queries show questions, for instance, “Why is a thigh gap OK?” and “How to get a thigh gap fast?” are also common. These challenges also aim to make the waist narrower which could be encircled by another person’s head. While body positivity agents are taking lessons of body acceptance public, it seems like such content fails to overcome society’s established aesthetic ideal.
Social media algorithms rely on users’ tastes to optimize suggestions, thus users may miss empowering body-positive content without actively searching for it. The study was led by a research team at York University working with 66 female students as its sample size. Subjects in one group took home social media channels for one week, while the other group gave it up for the same time.
People who took some time to recollect demonstrated major changes in two key areas: body image and self-esteem, particularly the girls who are prone to eating disorders. The authors conclude these effects have been hard to spot in psychological investigations. The results stem from disconnecting from social media rather than only learning healthful stuff, such as mingling with relatives, playing games, or watching nature.
With the high usage of social media these days, it is quite hard to detach yourself from social media platforms. Industry self-regulation have had a little frequently such as a low compliance rate among tech companies. This study has, therefore, brought to light the advantages of taking breaks from social media and engaging with offline activities, which go a long way to uplifting one’s self-image.