
Exploring the Acceptance of Sex Toys in Indian Relationships

Are Indian couples opening up to intimacy aids? Experts weigh in

As attitudes toward sexuality evolve in India, a debate has emerged on accepting sex toys in relationships. While considered taboo traditionally, experts note views differ demographically. Psychotherapist Dr Chandni Tugnait observes urban youth exposed to globalization demonstrate greater comfort around enhancing intimacy. However, cultural background and education also impact perspectives.

She suggests that higher-educated partners tend to explore sexuality positively with aids like toys. Credible information is steering awarenss on mutual fulfillment within relationships.

Dr Tugnait credits platforms discussing sexual health and consent respectfully with encouraging open conversations previously avoided. This climate could facilitate discussing toys non-judgmentally.

Meanwhile, psychiatrist Dr. Sanjay Kumawat dispels the misconception toys are solely for solo use. He argues they help discover sexuality safely and prepare one for a relationship.

While societal norms will take time to evolve, therapists agree to discuss boundaries respectfully rather than restricting natural urges to move the discourse forward. As taboos fade, more see toys as therapeutic rather than damaging when chosen mindfully in a caring partnership.

Overall, viewed from health angles rather than only inhibition, experts feel changing mindsets gradually endorse intimacy aids where both consents as intimacy strengthens under guidance rather than fear. Monitoring progressive yet non-coercive attitudes seems key.

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