Yoga and mindful eating are two ancient techniques that have proved to be equally reliable over centuries and have each its own peculiar contribution to individual wellness. However, this could cause a bit of confusion if we simply summarize that the main advantage of these two disciplines being combined is that they open a whole new world of self-exploration and support our well-being at the same time.
Imagine this: Into the familiar essence of sanctuary that the yoga mat possesses, you thoughtfully embrace a deep and soothing sip as you plan to experience a world of discovery. Before we notice, we automatically go ahead and do the poses, and unconsciously, we connect to the sensations that arise within us, those reactions of the muscles, the roundings of our breath and the subtle sounds of our bodies’ needs.
Sensing the fluidity of one pose becoming the next, you slowly come to the present moment, with each experience fully accepted without a critical mind or external distraction. This sort of deep-rooted state tranquillizes your mind and eating habits while turning it into a sacred ritual of nourishment and healing.
There is no compelling reason to eat mechanically, oblivious to what you do while on social media or playing a video on TV. You should pause and smell the fresh aromas, savour the nice textures and see beautiful colours. Every time you deliberate on the bites, you perceive the taste, chew calmly and steadily and ingest with full consciousness what will become a part of you in such a physical way.
This mindfulness in eating goes beyond tasting food. It also integrates your body deeper into the experience, which improves your appreciation of food as well as body awareness. It is when you start handling the nuances of hunger and satiety that you train the body to respond internally rather than externally driven responses.