
Hygiene hacks: Keeping your hidden zones clean and healthy

Many people overlook certain areas of their bodies in the pursuit of maintaining a clean and healthy appearance. However, neglecting these often-forgotten nooks and crannies can lead to many issues, from bacterial growth to fungal infections.

Experts from leading hospitals in India have highlighted the importance of paying attention to these neglected body parts, providing valuable insights and tips to ensure comprehensive personal hygiene.

The Forgotten Zones
According to Dr. Aparna Santhanam, a consultant dermatologist at PD Hinduja Hospital and MRC, the areas that require daily attention include the underarms, below the breasts for women, the belly button, abdominal folds, the spaces between fingers and toes, behind the ears, and the scalp.

These “folds or intertriginous areas,” as Dr. Santhanam calls them, are prone to bacterial and fungal growth, especially in a tropical country like India.

The Consequences of Neglect
Failing to clean these areas can lead to various health concerns, as highlighted by medical experts.

Dr. Prashant Sinha, the head of emergency at PSRI Hospital, New Delhi, explains that neglecting hygiene can expose us to dust, allergens, and other pollutants that can settle on the body and potentially cause infections. These can then be spread to others through direct contact.

Moreover, Dr. Tushar Tayal, a consultant in internal medicine at CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, warns about the risks of intertrigo, a bacterial rash that occurs in skin folds, and ringworm, a contagious fungal infection.

Beyond Infections: Odor and Acne
The consequences of poor hygiene don’t end there. Dr. Mukesh Mehra, the director of internal medicine at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, Delhi, cautions that neglecting these areas can also lead to body odor and acne.

Effective Cleaning Techniques
Experts suggest a few simple yet effective ways to clean the often-overlooked body parts:

  • Take a daily bath with a mild soap or syndet bar, and thoroughly dry all areas.
  • Use an antifungal powder containing clotrimazole in the folds and on the feet to keep them dry.
  • Wash the scalp at least twice a week.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if any areas become itchy, oozy, or sticky.
  • Diabetics should be extra vigilant, as the condition predisposes them to fungal infections.

According to the experts, the key is to strike a balance—avoid over-cleansing or scrubbing, as that can also lead to opportunistic infections.

So, while a daily shower may seem like a sufficient routine, paying attention to those sneaky, overlooked body parts is crucial to maintain comprehensive personal hygiene and overall health.

India Today

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