Celebrity fitness trainer Mahesh Ghanekar, who has trained Kareena Kapoor Khan, Soha Ali Khan, and Suriya, among others, recently posted a video of Kareena’s intense workout routine over the weekend. The actress proved that 44 is just a number as she performed a series of full-body exercises flawlessly, encouraging fans to start their fitness journey.
Mahesh shared the video on Instagram and captioned it: “Jumping and punching onto the New Year’s Fitness Game #2025 #newyear #newpost #newwork #newgoals #celebrity.” The clip focused on two tough exercises done by Kareena.
The first was her balancing on one leg, jumping continuously, and resting her other foot against a wall, with a neutral spine and steady breathing. The second exercise was of Kareena sitting on a yoga mat with her torso and legs raised in the air, doing controlled forward punches with dumbbells, engaging her core and keeping her posture aligned.
Fans immediately commented with admiration towards Kareena for her dedication towards fitness, and comments were flowing in like: “Queen, even after two kids! Insane,” and “She looks amazing in her 40s, happy and healthy.”
In addition to the fitness activities, Kareena was also seen spending a sweet time with her little son, Taimur Ali Khan, by embracing the New Year. In the photo shared by her of Taimur carrying her heels, she captioned: “MAA ki seva iss saal and forever. Happy New Year, friends ❤️ More Pictures coming soon. Stay tuned.”
The elder son of Kareena and Saif Ali Khan was born on 20th December 2016, whereas they also embraced the birth of the younger one Jehangir Ali Khan, which took place on 21st February, 2021.
Fitness and Family mixed perfectly together with Kareena during New Year. Fans must have been highly inspired and engaged, looking ahead towards 2025.