Experts offer tips for diabetes patients to keep blood sugar levels in check during Eid festivities.
As Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 heralds a time of celebration, health experts have highlighted the need for diabetes patients to monitor their condition closely amid the increased intake of festive cuisine.
Dr CC Nair of Lilavati Hospital recommended swapping sugary desserts for fresh fruits and nuts to reduce spikes. He also advised using smaller plates for controlled portions. Regular home testing and adequate hydration can help regulate blood sugar fluctuations.
Nutritionist Dr Rajeshwari Panda stated diabetes patients must proactively manage levels given irregular meals and rich dishes containing rice, bread and starches. Opting for low-sugar sweets, portioning traditional treats and balancing carb intake with proteins was suggested.
Zandra Healthcare’s Dr Rajiv Kovil emphasized moderation is key. He recommended consulting dieticians for personalized advice on navigating the season. He said small adjustments like balancing meals, fiber-rich snacks, and rest can significantly impact well-being.
Dr Panda highlighted Eid’s tradition of feasting need not deter those with diabetes from celebrating. Planning meals as per medical guidance, choosing healthy fruit alternatives and paying attention to overall diet can allow them to enjoy the joyous festival safely. Experts concur that self-care and prioritizing health needs be the approach this Eid for diabetes patients.