Priyanka Chopra recently celebrated her sixth wedding anniversary with husband Nick Jonas and their daughter, Malti Marie, with a special screening of Moana 2 in New York City. It was a really sweet family outing to celebrate this special day, and she chose the most singular anniversary outfit: all corporate chic with a dose of playful thrown in.
Taking to social media to share the joyful moment, Chopra shared a set of photos on Instagram: “What a special treat on our anniversary. Malti’s favorite Moana with our friends and family. Moana 2 is so much fun!! Thank you @disney @disneyanimation for the amazing screening. All the kids had the best time.” The post included a mirror selfie of Chopra in her stylish outfit, along with snaps of Moana-themed decorations and moments with Malti.
Chopra wore a brown chequered skirt suit from Helen Anthony’s Autumn Winter 2024 collection, which exuded a sophisticated yet playful vibe. The outfit consisted of a matching sleeveless waistcoat and a tie, paired with a cozy puffy jacket to keep the winter chills at bay.
Other accessories kept at a minimum included an Aupen Nirvana Olive bag and stylish spectacles. To complete her look, she added silver hoop earrings with a stack of bracelets and eye-catching statement rings. Her hair was tied in a bun, with some strands falling, framing her face, and it certainly made Chopra stand out as a breath of fresh air in stark contrast to her signature glamorous avatar.
The fans and following have loved this new look and appreciate how she has infused elegance with a bit of fun for such an important night.