
Selena Gomez opens up about her inability to carry children due to health issues

Singer Selena Gomez opens up about the inability to carry children due to medical reasons.

In a recent interview, singer Selena Gomez shared her emotional journey of coming to terms with not being able to carry children naturally due to health issues.

The 32-year-old revealed she learned some years ago that pregnancy would endanger her life as well as the baby’s owing to her medical conditions.

Gomez was diagnosed with lupus and requires lifelong medication to control its symptoms. She underwent a kidney transplant in 2017 as a direct result of lupus.

The artist also takes bipolar disorder medication which she said could impact a safe pregnancy, as per prior statements.

Though disheartened initially, Gomez says she found solace in possibilities like surrogacy and adoption to start a family.

Experts note several conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, infections, and preeclampsia can influence pregnancy outcomes if not managed properly.

Preterm labor also risks neonatal complications. Proper medical care aims to ensure the well-being of mothers and newborns.

Gomez’s revelations shed light on complex influences on motherhood ability. She hopes to embrace alternative paths to parenthood optimistically.


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