Diwali has finally set its date, and along with it comes a time chock-full of lights, joy, and an assortment of tasty edibles. As the joyful Diwali celebrations begin, it is time to keep tabs on a healthy lifestyle. Keeping fit during this season can be done quite well with a few abdominal exercises that can be done comfortably at home. This exercise not only burns calories and prevents the accumulation of weight, but it also facilitates digestion, increases energy, and releases endorphins to help with stress and anxiety.
Ab Exercises to Incorporate into Your Daily Routine
Plank – 30-60 Second Hold
The plank position emulates a push-up and serves many functions, including posture and balance. Lie on your stomach with elbows under your shoulders. Press to your forearms and toes, and then hold for a few seconds, lower down.
Abdominal Crunches – 15-20 Repetitions
Lie on your stomach with your knees bent and feet flat, in the same position you’re in when you’re doing planks. Place your hands behind your head to support it while you curl upward, lifting your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the floor.
Leg Raises-15-20 Repetitions
Lie on your back, extend your legs, and place your hands under your glutes for support. Slowly lift your legs to a 90-degree angle using proper breathing before lowering them back down.
Bird Dog – 15-20 Repetitions
This exercise enhances pelvic stability. On all fours, both feet and wrists are supposed to rest on the floor. While doing this, lift your left arm and right leg while keeping your back straight. Return to the start position and repeat on the other arm and leg.
Mountain Climbers – 30-45 Repetitions
In a plank position, kick one leg towards the chest and then follow with the other. Cross the right knee to touch the left elbow and repeat on the other side for an added challenge.
Adding these easy but efficient exercises will yield a chiseled midriff, making it much easier to sport those fabulous festive outfits like lehengas and sarees with panache.