
World Chocolate day: dark chocolate’s sweet impact on gut health

Experts explore chocolate’s impact on digestive wellness.

Nutritionists have shed light on how chocolate consumption can impact gut health, citing both benefits and risks. Dark chocolate in particular supports beneficial gut bacteria, according to dietitians Suman Agarwal and Gayatri Chona.

Its high polyphenol content promotes the growth of probiotic strains like Bifidobacterium. The research found higher bacterial levels in individuals consuming cocoa products. Agarwal allows clients to enjoy dark chocolate after meals due to its prebiotic fiber content.

Polyphenols also guard against various health issues. Chona notes their antioxidant properties aid issues such as heart disease and diabetes. Studies show cocoa intake increases good bacteria counts.

Agarwal adds chocolate’s mood-lifting effects are digestively helpful as stress impacts gut wellness. However, excess or poor-quality chocolate poses downsides. Mass-produced products contain additives, excess sugar, and fat disruptive to the microbiome.

Excess consumption can induce insulin resistance, obesity, and discomforts like bloating. Those with lactose intolerance must avoid milk chocolate. Both experts stress moderating high cocoa dark chocolate intake for optimum benefits and recommend avoiding commercial items with refined ingredients.

Overall, dark chocolate may positively aid digestion when selected and portioned carefully. More research on its prebiotic properties and health impacts could yield valuable insights for dietary management of gut wellness. Moderation remains key to reaping rewards while avoiding adverse consequences.


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