
World News

Israeli forces strap wounded Palestinian to military vehicle

In a shocking incident, another brutal Israeli aggression has been reported during Operation Shocked and Arrested in the West Bank…

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World News

Escalating Israel-Hezbollah tensions raise fears of wider conflict

Currently, as powerfully armed Hezbollah bears down on his border, Lebanon sinks into deeper conflict, and the UN chief, Secretary-General…

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World News

Iran warns Israel of “Ultimate Loser” in Hezbollah conflict

In a statement that was released on Friday, Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations warned Israel against any folly…

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World News

Deadly clashes in Gaza: Israeli attacks claim 18 lives

One can sing of a sad event: the Mawasi region of Gaza has been a scene of calamity as Israeli…

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World News

Hezbollah leader threatens Israel with “No-Holds-Barred” war

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah unleashes his bold message to Israel, saying that should a major war begin in Lebanon, Hezbollah…

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World News

Tensions soar as Israel threatens “All-Out War” against Hezbollah

The Israeli forces have, therefore, responded by warning Hezbollah of an all-out war, while the IDF has endorsed strategies regarding…

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World News

Spiraling tensions as UN accuses Israel of war crimes in Gaza

In a critical report, a United Nations commission claims Israeli authorities have acted against humanitarian laws and even committed war…

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World News

Escalating tensions: Israel Bolsters forces, Gaza conflict rages on

In a bid to strengthen the side, the defense forces in Israel have signposted a new formation composed of former…

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World News

Israel announces temporary ceasefire in Gaza for aid delivery

As part of the effort to address the severely worsening humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army has…

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World News

Gaza ceasefire talks in Limbo amid blame game between Israel and Hamas

Further developments in the talks as to ceasefire in Gaza and hostage-taking seem unclear following Israel’s labeling response to the…

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