
Congo accuses Apple of using conflict minerals in Products

DRC accuses Apple of sourcing ‘conflict minerals’ illegally.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has raised stern allegations against Apple, accusing it of procuring ‘conflict minerals’ through unlawful means from eastern DRC regions marred by violence.

Lawyers representing the DRC have served a cease and desist notice against the tech behemoth while hinting at possible litigation, citing concerns these minerals crucial for devices originate from sites witnessing rights violations.

So-called ‘conflict minerals’ like tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold often fund armed groups controlling mines in mineral-rich zones. DRC contends Apple sources such ores smuggled from its territory into Rwanda and re-routed covertly into global supply chains.

However, Apple maintained due diligence and found no evidence suppliers directly or indirectly aided militants in DRC or neighboring countries.

The issue underscores troubles plaguing the area — mass displacement from fighting over resources, sexual assaults, and children recruited by militias amid instability exacerbated by cross-border interference.

While minerals finance conflicts and flow unregulated, firms that are unaware of back-end irregularities may be accused of abetting conflict. As violence persists around mineral deposits, resolving supply chain oversight remains a humanitarian imperative.

All stakeholders must protect local populations and prevent natural wealth from sustaining those perpetuating horrors in the notoriously troubled region.

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