Reacting to the catastrophe is the AI-powered Google ChatBot Gemini, previously known as Bard, which has re-emerged as an attention grabber. Android Police, a top news outlet in the tech niche, has made an astonishing highlight that some few phone models powered by the old Android 10 and 11, when merged in the latest version of Google Gemini APK (v1.0.626720042), can now access the newest operating system. This has to be seen as an odd thing, considering that the official website of Google informs that at least Android 12 and higher versions are needed to operate ChatGPT.
Because of this upgrade, Gemini expands its target audience to include numerous users carrying subsequently dated phones. This allows them to upgrade their functionality to the company’s latest options.
Before, folks were getting the web version of the AI assistant who noticed an improvement. Google Gemini comes to the rescue here as it becomes the new-and-improved incarnation of Google Assistant. At the same time, it continues to lay upon the older digital assistant’s shoulders, processing certain queries.
Back in February, Google debuted Gemini as a specialized AI app designed and developed for Android version 12 and its free developers. Conversely, Google just posted about its changes coming to the PlayStore Gemini online version, such that the latest requirements section has already been updated to accommodate Android 10 and 11 devices.
This expansion of integration ability (“compatibility” is already taken elsewhere in the sentence) showcases Google’s priority-oriented concern, which has improved the Gemini over the last few months.
Besides, ChatGPT may soon respond to a user’s question or query related information via the same device. Moreover, Apple also plans to include an intelligent AI chatbot by Google in its iPhones, which would be a major advantage for them to increase their sales in the fiercest market of AI technologies.
We will soon discover what this mechanism implies for the landscape of AI chatbots and, thus, for their expanding availability on the Android store.