A story that shows how funny or humorous online fraud can be was recently added to WhatsApp. I had a recent experience with WhatsApp where it became unexpected and funny. Mr. Menace confused his message due to his ignorance of the woman’s last name, which resulted in an intellectually idiotic series of accusations. The affair became well-known when a Tweeter @Salemschild_ made public some of the screenshots of the chat and then it rapidly became viral.
The screenshot exposed Ahmed’s personality, who was posing as a man but was gay. However, the real name of the woman’s husband was Aaron. He concluded it was the woman`s surname when, in fact, it was her husband`s name. It turned out that the name under which he bestowed the offer went not to her husband but to her father.
Not to go aggravated, @salemschild_ decided to take the hoaxer playfully and made fun of him. She was quite astonished at the age of 70 with the news of her being the daughter of a man who was in the military and was gay, after which she fabricated the story of her getting divorced and reuniting with her boyfriend. Her humor was unusual, I guess that she was trying to inject fun into the presentation, as she mentioned her husband also catching HIV. As they set Watt, she was sarcastic, asking for his unending loyalty.
The post wasn’t even one hour old when it began attracting thousands of views (232,000) and receiving 2,000 likes. Social media users were highly amused by their comedy, with many of them commending @Salemschilds’ fast, appropriate, and comedy. The culprit at the receiving end was in disbelief, and the woman had a good laugh at the end and decided to block him. This is how the incident concluded on a humorous note.