
Union withdraws divisive AI advisory requiring government approval before introducing AI tools

In a significant policy U-turn, the Indian government has withdrawn its controversial March 1 advisory on artificial intelligence.

The Hindu reported that the fresh advisory dated March 15 had now superseded the previous directive, which had faced major backlash.

Instead of mandatory approval, the new guidelines focus on self-regulation. Tech giants must properly label AI tools to prevent misuse and inform users of potential unreliability.

Consent pop-ups have also been mandated to protect people. Firms need to guarantee platforms don’t interfere in elections, per Business Standard.

This comes after an embarrassing episode where a Google assistant labeled PM Modi a “fascist” based on accusations around Hindu nationalism, dissent crackdowns, and minority violence under the BJP.

Mandatory nods for product launches proved untenable. The onus now shifts to companies to self-police algorithms and safeguard democratic processes through transparency.

Only time will tell if the light-touch approach works. But for now, AI innovation can breathe easy, as the contentious March 1 diktat is now consigned to history.


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