Terms and Conditions

Hindustan Dot cares deeply about building trust and transparency with our users. These terms explain what to expect when accessing HindustanDot.com’s news and services.

Our platform delivers real-time reporting straight from our journalists to you. By using it, you agree to be bound by the latest terms governing our binding contract. Additional features may sometimes carry extra terms.

Down the road, you may need a free account for full access. Signing up with your name, email, or third-party login enables special functions. Safeguard credentials and notify us about unauthorized access since you are responsible for account activity.

In order to improve efficiency, we may collect data on usage and needs. We’ll keep you posted on relevant transactions, offers, and platform changes. But we only share personal data with explicit consent.

You must comply with laws and avoid infringing others’ rights when using our site. Violations after fair notice can lead to access termination. We don’t control or warrant third-party services and user contributions.

Hindustan Dot retains platform ownership and grants conditional access. Suggestions help us enhance the experience, potentially without compensation.

Modifications can happen, but complaint resolution is also just an email away. For now, Indian law governed by New Delhi courts applies.

Our goal is to honor users through great journalism and accountability. Please reach out with questions or concerns.

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