World News

AOC warns of Trump jail threat in potential second term Amid election concerns

AOC expresses fear of arrest if Trump returns to power.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has said she fears the possibility of being imprisoned under a second Donald Trump administration. In an interview with podcast host Kara Swisher, the New York lawmaker said Trump’s previous “lock her up” rhetoric during the 2016 polls has given her apprehensions.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail. He’s out of his mind…I take him at his word when he threatens journalists,” she remarked.

The Democrat representative further warned that Trump’s learning from past mistakes could spell danger for critics. However, Trump has denied retribution claims, telling Fox News that he “would have every right” to act against perceived enemies as president.

When asked about Trump’s chances, AOC backed Joe Biden, saying his victory is key to preserving American democracy.

She also acknowledged frustration amongst youth with the president but advocated deeper engagement over disengagement to advance their priorities.

Meanwhile, Biden has struggled to energize progressives due to differences from left-wing stands. But support from figures like AOC is hoped to aid his challenge against Trump in November.

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