World News

 Bangladesh Hindus face ongoing attacks amidst troubling realities

Minority Hindus are attacked, five of them killed, and 200+ incidents reported in three days of unrest following the overthrow of Sheik Hasina in Bangladesh.

Amphiphilic videos of attacks have circulated the social media platforms, which have been disputed by the fact-checkers. To an extent there are political motives, but there are also victims who are politically non-aligned. Let me point out here how and why Hindus have been persecuted in Bangladesh, a Muslim majority country, as follows:.

Every single day of the anarchy that gripped Bangladesh in the aftermath of Sheikh Hasina’s resignation as the Prime Minister on August 5, when she had to flee a hall packed with people baying for her blood, is a record of at least two attacks on Hindus.

There have been cases of killings—five Hindus, to be precise—and multiple cases of rape. Muslims have always looked for Hindus as an easy target, even in Bangladesh, but the pogrom this time is most terrible, larger in its intensity, and there is a likelihood that the culprits may go scot-free.

It was even reported that for at least three days there was no single law enforcement officer in the whole of Bangladesh.

In several districts, angry mobs have lynched dozens of policemen, and the remaining police personnel are still not reporting to duty. It was a chance for those who desired to exercise their hostility on Hindus.

‘There are always people looking for an opportunity to attack minorities, but especially Hindus,’ recalls the author and activist Anupam Debashis Roy from Bangladesh. ‘This happened even during the Awami League regime. When the party was in power, there were attacks on Hindus,’ysis In.


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