Biden-Trump Debates Heat Up as Campaigns Diverge on Additional Forums.
As the 2024 elections gather steam, the top two candidates differ on adding more public debates to make their case to voters. Former President Donald Trump agreed to two additional forums proposed by his campaign against incumbent Joe Biden.
One was a Telemundo/NBC debate focusing on Hispanic issues, while the other aimed to feature Vice Presidential nominees on Fox News. But Biden’s team dismissed further negotiations, proclaiming the debate stage discussion closed after establishing two set matchups.
In a statement, Joe Biden campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said there would be no “more games, chaos or debate about debates,” suggesting confidence in their agreed-upon format and message. Trump spokeswoman Danielle Alvarez countered that this rejected Hispanic voters and showed Biden feared defending his record.
Candidates must meet certain parameters to participate, including nomination ballot access, consent to rules, and polling above 15% nationally. For now, Trump and Biden will appear opposite each other on June 27, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, and September 10, via ABC News at a location to be announced.
CNN also made clear the first debate would not permit a live studio audience. With diverging positions in the heated election environment, the final debate lineup remains to be seen. Both sides angle to maximize outreach to the electorate in this defining political showdown.