In effrontery of his kind, United States President Joe Biden has rallied his flagging re-election campaign, telling audiences in Michigan, a swing state, why he should continue as their president over rival former President Donald Trump.
‘I am running, and we’re going to win,’ Biden said to a rally in Detroit, and this is as he navigates through his critics on matters to do with his fitness mentally and an emphatic defeat to Trump in a debate.
However, Biden sees a decline in that sentiment, especially among Arab and Muslim American voters who are angry over his stance on the Gaza war. “These results put him down from where he was in polling the last time around, so it is really a problem in almost all respects for him,” added Al Jazeera’s John Hendren.
Still, the protest increased with Biden promising to codify abortion rights, sign the John Lewis Voting Rights Act as well as move toward banning the possession of assault weapons within the initial 100 days in his second term. However, increasing legislators, patrons and advocates have urged the president to relinquish his position and provide another candidate to head the party.