World News

COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations rising in Singapore, health minister advises masks

Singapore Witnesses Rising Covid Trends as Health Minister Issues Advisory.

Covid cases in Singapore have begun climbing once more, with over 25,000 infections reported last week, more than double the preceding seven days. Health Minister Ong Ye Kung noted that the island nation has entered the initial phase of a new wave. Based on trends, he estimated peak numbers could materialize between mid- and late June.

Daily hospitalizations for the virus have risen to around 250 patients from 181. Intensive care admissions held relatively stable at three cases compared to two before.

Elective surgeries have been scaled back at public facilities to preserve hospital capacity amid rising patient loads. Suitable patients are being shifted to transitional facilities or home nursing via telemedicine programs.

In light of mounting caseloads, the minister encouraged high-risk groups like seniors above 60, vulnerable individuals, and nursing home residents to get additional vaccine shots if it has been over a year since their last dose.

The Ministry of Health reported over 25,900 infections last week versus 13,700 prior week, underscoring a steadily climbing trajectory. With the wave still in its initial stages, authorities will closely monitor numbers for peaks over the next few months.

Ong has advised citizens to mask up once more to help curb community transmission as Singapore navigates this latest COVID-19 surge.

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