Shots were fired at his car, Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales said on Sunday amid bitter political infighting between ruling socialist party factions. Morales and his former economy minister, now President Luis Arce, are on opposite sides in a power struggle as the country prepares for elections next year.
In one radio interview, Morales recounted how two vehicles intercepted him on the road and opened fire on his car, narrowly missing him. “I don’t know if they were soldiers or police,” he said, adding, “This was planned. The idea was to kill Evo.”
Morales, the first Indigenous president of Bolivia, posted a video on his Facebook page showing at least two bullet holes in the windshield of his moving vehicle as the driver seemed to be injured but still managing his way on the road.
Deputy Interior Minister Roberto Rios said the government would investigate the alleged attack but added that police had not taken any actions against the former president. “As authorities in charge of state security, we are obliged to investigate any report, whether it is true or false,” Rios said.
It comes at a time of rising tensions, with Morales supporters blocking highways across central Bolivia and security forces trying to clear the routes. The situation threatens to raise unrest in a nation already facing an economic crisis.
On Saturday, the government accused Morales of “destabilizing” the country due to two weeks of road blockades that disrupted food and fuel supplies. The officials said he was trying to “interrupt democratic order.” It pointed to the presence of armed members within Morales-aligned groups, where clashes took place, injuring 14 police officers.
Morales, 65, was president from 2006 until 2019 and is a principal opponent to Arce, 61. While both originated in the same Movement Toward Socialism-MAS party, personal relations have deteriorated over the past year. During that time, the power struggle worsened with the upcoming presidential elections in 2025.
Besides, the country is experiencing low gas production, low foreign currency, and an increased inflation rate, further putting pressure on the ruling party and increasing internal wars.
Morales also faces a probe into claims of his dubious relations with minors; he did not show up despite being summoned and has issued an arrest warrant against himself. He vehemently denies the accusations, going as far as to call the investigation into his case a “lie” and claiming to be a victim of judicial persecution by the government.