World News

Fifty thousand Russian servicemen have been officially declared dead.

Against the background of non-stop encounters that the military personnel are engaged in, there is one truth that is ever present – a conviction that, despite the seemingly invincible force of the Russians, an unwavering sadness looms over their victory. Per the confirmed records, the number of fallen soldiers has been projected to be a horrific 50,000, which is indeed a reflection of how high the window of sacrifice of both conflicts, one of which is ongoing, has set up.

However, the human unleashing of this tragedy stretches beyond numbers, connecting all of our hopes and dreams, families and our country in totality to the consequences of a maniacal war. Each digit is a living person who will never be walking the earth, and their stories are still likely there to be heard, but they will never get fulfilled.

The trickle of reports from the frontlines often well up with instances of courage intermixed with accounts of dreadful pain; these recollections veil the bravery and endurance of those caught in the blazing fury of war. Besides other soldiers, who were interested in their dreams and expectations of the yellow at the beginning of their path, now they start their way in a hostile environment where their destiny is in the flow of the battle.

Despite the overwhelming burden of lost human life, the Russian leadership continues to stay steadfast with the determination of the cost in terms of human lives. Strategies are revised, tactics readjusted, and the defenders of peace continue to whine out of their insistence on the order of the day. At the same time, the machines of war are fueled by the resolve against the voices of reason around the corner of the world.

As the world witnesses this tragedy, a profound question lingers: Where does victory pursuit stop becoming overwhelming and value-destroying? Still, there is no explanation, blurred in the fog of war and among the shadows of the fallen Heroes.


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